Thank You
This trip was originally put together to mobilize a group of college-aged kids for missions. It, like the church as a whole, requires an inter-generational partnership in order to work. We cannot go unless we are sent which is what we ask of you. As young adults, we can take off for two weeks in the summer without shirking too many of our responsibilities. We can serve by doing construction and are deeply impassioned to see God's kingdom built. We want to open up conversations and shine light upon a dark world. What we make up for in freedom we lack in security. Most of the preparation for this trip has been dedicated to trying to fund it. God has used many people in the past few months to provide for us. We would like to thank all of them. They are as much a part of this trip as we: without their help we simply would not be going. Others have been gracious enough to help with organization and encouragement. Thank you everyone who has prayed for, advised, encouraged or provided for us. God is using you as a vessel to build his kingdom and that is as great a call as any.
The Team
This team has nine members ready to go. Here's a little bit about us and where we come from:
Kelly Douglas-Sophomore at Biola
Christine Douglas-Freshman at Concordia
Jonathan Kiser-Senior at Cal State Long Beach
Dustin Karzen-Sophomore at Long Beach City College
Erin Murley-Sophomore at Truman State in Missouri
Sarah Davis-Seminary grad from New York hanging out in LB before heading out to the mission field
Christina Bullock-Grad student of Trinity International and works at Biola. Her brother is the missionary we're helping
Michelle Napper-Junior at Cal State Fullerton
Tyler Payne-Sophomore at Biola God has blessed us abundantly with this team. Please be praying for strength for each of them.
The Trip
We will be going to the village of Guebwiller in eastern France. We will most likely also be in villages in Germany and Switzerland for at least a portion of the trip. We are working to convert a group of cabins into classrooms at a Christian college (which may be what they call grade school in France, I'm still not entirely sure on that point). This will entail demolishing everything aside from the roof and frame, pressure washing the roof, running electricity throughout the building, insulating/covering the ceilings and beginning the process of framing the classrooms. It is a considerable amount of work for 9 people in two weeks, but it should be a lot of fun. Aside from the main project, we will be spending time with people in the village. We would like to do as much street evangelism as we can and plan to use street entertainment to open up these conversations. We also have two days for sight-seeing and will get to attend various churches in the rural area. Each of us will be staying with different families whose kids go to College Daniel. That will be an exciting cultural experience!
This morning I received our expected daily itinerary. Here's the basic details:
Saturday, June 6: Leave LAX
Sunday, June 7: Arrive in Zurich, Switzerland and travel to Guebwiller. Tour college, meet hosts
Monday, June 8: Attend orientation and then chapel at school, begin project
Tuesday, June 8: Work on project
Wednesday, June 9: Work on project
Thursday, June 10: Sight-seeing. Not sure where we'll be going yet
Friday, June 11: Work on project
Saturday, June 12: Work on project
Sunday, June 13: attend church with host family, spend day with hosts
Monday, June 14: work on project
Tuesday, June 15: work on project
Wednesday, June 16: sight-seeing
Thursday, June 17: work on project
Friday, June 18: finish project, Appreciation dinner
Saturday, June 19: fly from Zurich to LA.
It's going to be a very full trip, but we look forward to it!
Prayer Requests
Please pray for God to continue to provide for us. We still have a lot of planning to do and are still thousands of dollars short on our funds. We know that it will work out because God has made it clear this trip is his will. While we have faith he will accomplish his will, we would appreciate your prayer and support. We also need strength as individuals and as a team to complete this task. It seems daunting at times. Physically we need the strength to complete the project but also the boldness to faithfully carry the Gospel overseas. Pray for opportunities for street entertainment evangelism. We are really excited about this and have reason to believe it will be an effective way to do outreach. Pray for encouragement for all of us. Pray that we will be diligent about meeting and organizing so that when we arrive, we will be fully prepared to serve whole-heartedly without wasting time coming up with new plans or ideas. Pray that we will find ways to present the Gospel to those we encounter without losing anything to language, cultural or personal boundaries. Pray for open ears to receive the message we are are working this hard to bring. Pray for health and safety while we are there. Pray for the details to be worked out. Pray for the missionaries and people of France and Europe. It is a very hostile and unreached place. They need to know about the God that made them and then died to save them. If they don't know, they won't believe. If they don't believe, they will be judged for it. Pray for this college and for the expansion project we're doing. Ask God to use it to train young people to minister to the hostile climate of Europe. Pray for his glory and Kingdom come.

Cabins we will be converting to classrooms

Hotel in Guebwiller

Forest just outside of village of Guebwiller

Part of College Daniel

Old Church in Guebwiller

Vineyard in Guebwiller
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